The Resurgence Trust Impact Report 2021

The Resurgence Trust is an educational charity that strives to help everyone connect - with each other and with the planet. In these extraordinary times, The Resurgence Trust has adapted and responded to an ever-changing environment, while continuing to produce unique and impactful publications and events.
In this Impact Report we share our key areas of work and achievements over the last year, and thank our readers and funders for their continued support.
This year Resurgence has:
- Published six innovative, inspiring, cutting-edge and beautifully designed issues of Resurgence & Ecologist magazine, including a special issue on Living Cities.
- Reached an engaged readership in every corner of the globe through The Ecologist website, providing up-to-date, independent information on the world's environmental crisis.
- Successfully launched the Ecologist Writers' Fund, raising money from readers to pay contributors who would not otherwise be able to conduct research and write for free.
- Published Fight the Fire by Jonathan Neale, a compelling guide to averting climate breakdown. This free e-book has been downloaded 12,000 times.
- Welcomed thousands of people to our educational events online, including the Resurgence Festival of Wellbeing, monthly Resurgence Talks and themed trilogies, reaching audiences from around the world.
- Collaborated with the Network of Wellbeing to deliver four 'Hope in Action' online events exploring how we can maintain hope, wellbeing and resilience in a time of global crisis. The last one was held as part of the COP26 People's Summit.
- Satish Kumar gave over 100 talks to audiences in many countries including Canada, France, Portugal, India, The Netherlands, Qatar and the United States. He participated in a conference on 'Faith and Science Towards COP26', at the Vatican.
- Produced our first teaching pack to help primary school teachers explore the life of a local river or other watercourse with their classes.
- Produced a three-minute film to convey the breadth of the work of The Resurgence Trust.
- Completed a three-year renovation project to create a home for The Resurgence Trust in a sustainable and carbon neutral building.
Resurgence inspires change and connection - to each other and to the earth. Its unique voice also opens up positive possibilities by sharing visions of a just future for all
Livia FirthCreative Director, Eco Age
Read (and download) the full Impact of Resurgence Report 2021 here
The work of The Resurgence Trust is all possible due to the support of our readers and members for which we thank you!
Read previous Impact Reports
Read (and download) the full Impact of Resurgence Report 2019 here
Read (and download) the full Impact of Resurgence Report 2020 here
Support our work
You can support our work by purchasing a copy of Resurgence & Ecologist magazine, or joining The Resurgence Trust as a member.