Yelders was conceived in the Rising Sunflower bar three years ago at the Resurgence summer camp. It emerged as we listened to young artists at the camp describing their struggle to build livelihoods based upon their values and their wish to avoid being trapped in jobs which only pay the bills. We, the ‘yelling elders,’ nodded our heads and agreed we need to pull together with them on this. Michael Meade reminds us that, "a culture of community falls apart when its youth feel rejected or uninvited and its elders become ignored and forgotten."
The market-led message that any group can be separated and labelled as lesser or waste is quite unacceptable. So, with the premise to put people and the planet before profit, we have met in emergent Yelders-related spaces to explore how we can be resourceful across the generations – literally re-generating what Meade describes as, "that genius of youth and the wisdom of the elders."
Like an extended family (a feeling many of us experience at the Resurgence summer camp) we are reminded of real wealth: the building of relationships, celebrating diversity and common-unity. By reinventing or remembering a new/old narrative this may be one way we can build a resilient culture of doing less harm.
The Resurgence & Ecologist team share our wish to include more young guests at this year’s Resurgence summer camp. We hope that you too will share our commitment to build this into our legacy for future generations.
The Yelders are crowd funding to bring twenty guests to the Resurgence summer camp – young people who could not otherwise afford it. This funding will give them the opportunity to share and participate in a rich feast of experience.
We invite you to send donation to support this initiative. Please make cheques payable to ‘Yelders’ and send it by post, quoting ‘Yelders in Action’ to: Yelders, c/o Janne Tooby, New House Farm, Bransford, Worcester, WR6 5JB.
We will use all the money donated to enable young artists, activist and change-makers to attend the Resurgence summer camp in July 2014.
The Yelders is co-ordinated by a core team, Trish Dickinson, Juanita Cabrera and Janne Tooby. The Resurgence Summer camp takes place from 31 July – 3 August 2014. For more information, including programme details and online bookings