Charlie Waite
Charlie Waite is now widely revered as the doyen of English landscape photographers. His distinctive style combining graphic finesse with an almost spiritual quality of calm and serenity is immediately recognisable.
Charlie Waite was born in 1949 and worked in British Theatre and Television for the first ten years of his professional life. Throughout this period he became fascinated by theatrical lighting and design. Gradually the landscape and the way it can be revealed to us through light and shade stole him away from the acting profession.
“To acquaint ourselves with the character, the quality and the behaviour of borrowed light and the reflective and absorption factors of the surfaces upon which light falls, seems to me to be the prerequisite of anyone interpreting and moulding form. As a landscape photographer, I find myself in happy and alert anticipation of the capricious and modulating nature of light being fleetingly harnessed for the flattering and realising of the image I feel compelled to make.” – Charlie Waite.
Over the last twenty-five years, he has lectured throughout the UK, Europe and the US. He has held numerous one man exhibitions in London, including two shows in London’s National Theatre, three at the OXO gallery and further solo shows in Tokyo, New York, Carmel and in Australia, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.