Become a Digital Member of The Resurgence Trust

One-year digital membership: Just £24/year for 6 bi-monthly PDF issues.
Plus, a range of other benefits including digital access to every past issue, monthly online meditations with Satish Kumar and recordings of all previous meditations, access to an online member's event and more!
Join the eco-friendly future! Become a digital member of The Resurgence Trust and get over 30% off the price of a UK print membership and nearly 50% off the price of an Overseas print membership (the usual rate for print membership is £36 UK/£46 Overseas).
Digital Membership
When you take out a digital membership to The Resurgence Trust, you can access Resurgence & Ecologist magazine online, rather than as a print magazine - the content is exactly the same. We will provide six issues a year as PDFs and you'll receive access to the whole online archive of Resurgence/Resurgence & Ecologist magazine.
Want to give a digital membership as a gift?
Simply go to our membership page.
After you've bought a gift digital membership, you will be sent an email containing the details for online access. You can then send these on to your gift recipient. We do not directly email the gift recipient, so that we don't spoil the surprise.
We will then send the gift recipient an email to let them know each time a new issue comes out. But we won't send one within a month of your gift purchase, again, to ensure we don't spoil the surprise.
When the digital membership expires, we will invite the gift recipient to renew the membership.
Why choose the digital membership?
Smaller carbon footprint...
Although we work hard to make our print magazines as eco-friendly as possible, the carbon footprint of a digital membership is still greatly reduced.
Living overseas...
Do you live overseas and want to read the new issue as soon as it’s published without having to wait for the post?
Selective reader...
Are you selective in your reading of the magazine, but want to be sure you can access the information you need without paying the full paper membership rate?
Is the cost of a printed version prohibitive to you?
Access to related resources...
Would you like to be able to access on-line resources related to magazine articles simply by clicking a link?
...then the digital magazine version of Resurgence & Ecologist is the answer!
How to access your digital issues
When you buy a digital membership, we will add your issues of the magazine to your online account. When you revisit the Resurgence website, click on the shop menu item and then sign in at the top of the page, click on 'My Account' and follow the link to 'See your magazine issues'. (You will need to sign in using the email address specified when placing your order.)
Your pdf copies of the magazine will remain on the site indefinitely, and can also be downloaded to your computer.
Every two months, as the next issue becomes available, you will be sent an email notification that the new issue is available to view in 'My Account'. We will send you an email reminder when your membership subscription is due to expire.
Binding Terms and Conditions
By downloading any issue of Resurgence Magazine or Resurgence & Ecologist Magazine the purchaser undertakes that its use will be limited to personal reference by the purchaser only, and the purchaser acknowledges that the contents are copyright of the respective authors, photographers, illustrators and/or their agents. Sale or reproduction in any form is absolutely prohibited, including (but not limited to) copying, printing, digital or computer media, websites or downloads. Action will be taken against any infringement of these terms.
You will need the free pdf reader software to view the downloadable issues. Resurgence is a not-for-profit organisation, supported in part by charitable donations. The magazine and its associated network of individuals and groups are dedicated to the service of the soil, soul and society. Our aim is to help create a world based on justice, equity and respect for all beings.
Your membership subscription is an essential contribution to the future of this vision - please support us!