Resurgence Festival of Wellbeing

The shift from economic growth to growth in wellbeing

Sat 11 Oct 2014 • 10:00-18:00

At the Bishopsgate Institute, 230 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 4QH

A sense of wellbeing is what really matters in life. We need a new movement of awareness and action to bring meaning to life and to put community wellbeing at the heart of political and social decision-making. Instead of economic growth, we need growth in wellbeing. The festival of wellbeing will explore these ideas - expect inspiring speakers and entertainment.

What they said about last year

Saturday - Speakers include



Sun 12 Oct 2014 • 11:00-17:00

At UnLtd, 123 Whitecross St, London EC1Y 8JJ

Sunday - Discussion Day

After the first day of the festival, filled with speakers from the world of social economics, happiness, journalism and practitioners of the new economy, we are designing a day for you to get involved. Facilitated by UnLtd. This interactive day of workshops is an opportunity to explore the ideas presented during the first day of the Festival of Wellbeing.

To create the shift from a world focused on financial growth to a world focused on wellbeing and ecological sustainability, we need to change habits and mind-sets as well as business practices, policy and fundamental systems. We all have skills, expertise, passion and drive that can influence our communities for the better.

Experienced facilitators will bring people together in smaller groups to discuss ideas and look at how we can harness our expertise and passions to inspire action.

We will be asking:

How can we bring about greater wellbeing in personal, social and environmental spheres?

What is the role of social entrepreneurship and social innovation in this transformation?

What difference do we want to make as individuals?

How can we harness ideas to make positive changes to our lives, communities and wider society?

This exciting, innovative and creative day of discussion will be facilitated by experienced wellbeing social entrepreneurs and Satish Kumar, editor-in-chief at Resurgence & Ecologist.

UnLtd is a foundation for social entrepreneurs whose vision is a world in which people act to make it better. UnLtd is the leading provider of support for social entrepreneurs and has been working with people to transform the communities in which they live for over ten years.

Attendance on the Sunday is free for those who have bought a ticket for the Wellbeing Festival. Please let us know when you book if you want to come on the Sunday. Spaces are limited to 80, so book early.

Please note that this is at a different venue from the Saturday talks.

This event will raise money for The Resurgence Trust, an educational charity (no. 1120414).

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The Resurgence Trust is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (5821436) and a charity registered in England and Wales (1120414). The Resurgence Trust publishes Resurgence & Ecologist magazine,, and to promote ecological sustainability, social justice and spiritual values.

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