Dear Reader,
If you are looking for the perfect Christmas present, then look no further than the magazine you are holding in your hands!
Please consider giving a Christmas gift membership of Resurgence to your family, friends and colleagues or even your local MP. They will receive a lasting present that will bring enjoyment and enlightenment throughout the year and will thank you every time Resurgence comes through their letterbox.
When you take out a Christmas Gift membership, you will receive a present too! I will send you my audio CD Darshan: Fireside Chats, recorded at Schumacher College, as a token of my gratitude.
Resurgence has been dedicated to serving people and the planet for forty-five years! Yet, the magazine is still relatively unknown. As part of our 45th Anniversary celebrations, we aim to increase awareness of Resurgence so that it becomes a widely read publication.
If all of our members were to give Resurgence as a Christmas gift, it would double the circulation in a few weeks. Let us all join together this Christmas to reach more people with the inspiring vision of Resurgence.
We have also produced a new Resurgence catalogue, featuring books, magazines, DVD’s and CD’s, bringing you exclusive gift ideas to inspire and delight.
Word of mouth is the best way to promote Resurgence. As existing members, you are our true ambassadors. Please support your favourite magazine by recommending Resurgence to your families, friends and colleagues.
I look forward to your participation in our 45th anniversary campaign to make Resurgence more widely known. Let no one say, “Resurgence is a best-kept secret”!
With all good wishes, for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Yours faithfully,
Satish Kumar
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