We know how it goes when we’re in our youth; we’re strong, we belong, but we long for the truth.
The fires burn brightly as we dare to dream of the way things should be, not the way that they seem.
Aware of the issues and misuse of power, as our love is unfurled for a world that is ours.
But as we proceed through the times and ingest all the values we’re sold, what we’re told is “progress”,
Distracted with life’s many strife’s to digest, our appetite for what’s right is then put to the test.
Until we reach a stage where our rage is suppressed, our hopes and our dreams they are slowly undressed,
And it seems we’re too busy to even protest. This is why in young people we must now invest.
And reach out to those ruling the schooling majority,
Put pressure on those who have the authority to implement change and make kids a priority.
And tackle the issues concerning their learning; provide coal for the soul to keep the fires burning.
We’ve got to show up to help and assist them before they grow up and get lost in the system.
And prepare them to fight for the dreams that they chase, without losing sight of what’s right for this race.
And with efforts combined we’ll find the tools we need for schools to succeed.
Feeding minds and planting seeds to grow the kind of lives these children need.
A system redesigned with no child left behind.
For what if our tutors they changed with the times and encouraged our kids to colour outside the lines?
What if we taught them to work as a whole?
To enrol in elections? That they’re in control?
And opened their eyes up to each opportunity,
To strengthen the ties up within their community?
Would philanthropic topics affect their perceptions?
Alive with the drive for whole new directions?
With vision revision and classes of clarity?
On good wholesome living and giving to charity?
What if we were to show how their vocal ability,
Could bring about local and global stability?
And build on a future where no one stops caring -
Where passion is fashionable, not what you’re wearing.
What if they learned the true value of laughter?
That our Planet Earth it is worth looking after?
And with greener ambitions we can pioneer,
A new way in cleaner emissions that’s clear?
What if we each did what we have to do?
To enlist, to resist, to persist and pursue?
If we each raised a fist, then what would ensue?
For change is the future, and that change is you.
You are the next leaders, and misleaders.
But will you be greeders? Or world feeders?
You are the next teachers and political preachers.
But will they be great speeches inclined to combine and collaborate?
Or hate speeches designed to divide and discriminate?
Writers? Inciters? Fighters for a cause?
Whole hearted martyrs? Or starters of wars?
Evangelical saints or clerical sinners?
Noble beginners or Nobel Peace Prize winners?
Philosophic conceivers? Devout disbelievers?
On the dole? On parole? Or the highest achievers?
Binge drinking boozers or free thinking choosers?
You don’t have to grow up and become McLosers.
We are the generation to have this realisation.
With will and skill we can fulfil our social obligations; to build rapports, to open doors and lead investigations,
Into every clause of current laws of rules and legislation, so everybody has the right to insight and information.
And through our new communion of communal communication,
We’ll march streets across the nation, trust in transformation,
And get these corporations cooperating together; for a future that’s bright, whatever the weather.
Let us atone, and carve in stone the people’s new decree.
Let us make our affirmations known, so repeat after me:
I swear to take care of the air that I breathe.
I declare to fight for what I believe.
I guarantee to be the best I can be.
I vow to help others to be just as free.
I promise to never be consumed by greed.
I pledge my allegiance to all those in need.
I assure my assistance so suffering may cease.
& I give my word to speak only of peace.
So let us stand together now and start this revolution,
And work with institutions building permanent solutions,
For the sake of civilisations educational evolution.
The Power of Young People © Martin James Powell 2010 To read more poems by Martin James Powell, visit: martinpowellpoetry.blogspot.com, or watch Martin read a selection of poems on youtube: youtube.com/user/spokenwordnerd