Resurgence Contributors

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Authors beginning with G

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Suzi Gablik

Hayden Gabriel

Almaz Gaere

Judy Gahagan

The Gaia Foundation

Jen Gale

Galileo Galilei

Rhian Gallagher

Judith Galloway

Ela Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi

Barbara Gardner

Zoe Gardner

Sharon Garfinkel

Tara Garnett

Bay Garnett

Chris Garrard

Bradley Garrett

James Garside

Natasha Gartside

John Taylor Gatto

Matt Gaw

Alan Gear

Tony Gee

Juliet Gellatley

Ruth Gendler

Richard St. George

David George-Haskell

Will Gethin

Polly Ghazi

Jayati Ghosh

Terry Gifford

Tilly Gifford

Bob Gilbert

Cherry Gilchrist

Sue Gill

Jeanette Gill

Tony Gillam

Anna Gillespie

Peter Gillies

Elaine Gilligan

Georgie Gilmore

Katharine Gilmour

Clive Gilson

Dana Gioia

Herbert Giradet

Herbert Girardet

Hallam Girardet

Melissa Glackin

Dan Glass

Timothy Glazier

Jane Gleeson

Chellis Glendinning

Carlos Philip Glover

Jerry Glover

Mark Glover

Anne Glyn-Jones

Rashi Goel

S. N. Goenka

Roman Goergen

Donna Gold

Mark Gold

Anthony Golding

Emma Goldman

Mark Goldring

Katherine Goldsmith

Zac Goldsmith

Ben Goldsmith

Andy Goldsworthy

Silvia Gomez

Claudia Goncalves

Jane Goodall

Lara Goodband

Chloë Goodchild

Jan Goodey

Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke

Clare Goodrick-Clarke

Brian Goodwin

Mikhail Gorbachev

Aonghus Gordon

Al Gore

John Gormley

Antony Gormley

Tim Gorringe

David Gosling

Jonathan Gosling

Amit Goswami

Mark Gough

Dave Goulson

Derek Gow

David Rodríguez Goyes

John de Graaf

Dan Grace

James P Graham

John K. Grande

Philip Grant

Coreen Grant

Bibi Gratzer

Carwyn Graves

John Gray

Liz Gray

David Gray

James Gray-Donald

Araminta Greaves

Peter Greaves

Ray Greek

Katie Green

Sadie Green

Malcolm Green

Emma Green

Jim Green

Margaret Greenfield

David Greenhalgh

Germaine Greer

Betsy Greer

Tom Greeves

Mary Grey

Harriet Griffey

John Griffin

Jay Griffiths

Joanna Griffiths

Juliette Griffiths

John Grimshaw

Sigmar Groeneveld

Philip Gross

Karl Grossman

Monica Guggisberg

John Gummer

Method Gundidza

Nicola Gunstone

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The Resurgence Trust is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (5821436) and a charity registered in England and Wales (1120414). The Resurgence Trust publishes Resurgence & Ecologist magazine,, and to promote ecological sustainability, social justice and spiritual values.

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