Resurgence Contributors

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Authors beginning with L

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Fons van Laar

Gary Lachman

Donna Ladkin

Winona LaDuke

Calfín Lafkenche

Samuli Laita

The Dalai Lama

Harriet Lamb

Simon M Lamb

Daphne Lambert

Georgie Laming

Nic Lance

Marissa Land

John Lane

Richard Lane

Truda Lane

Charles Lane

Peter Lang

Tim Lang

Lewis H. Lapham

Frances Moore Lappé

Martin Large

Verity Largo

Ervin László

Charlotte Latimer

David Lauer

Andrew Lawson

Max Lawson

Richard Layard

Chris Layton

Stephen Leahy

Naomi Leake

Geoffrey Lean

Carolyn Lebel

Mélanie LeBlanc

Brian Lee

Maggie Lee

Diana Lee

Robin Lee

Sam Lee

Christine Lees

Jeremy Leggett

Prue Leith

Ronald Lello

Leah Lemieux

Jane Elizabeth Lemke

Annie Lennox

Jeremy Lent

Amy Lenzo

Hazel Leslie

Oliver Letwin MP

Michael Leunig

Tom Levitt

Daniel Levy

Miche Fabre Lewin

Michael Lewin

Stephen Lewis

Scarlett Lewis

Mary Ann Lieser

Bernard Lietaer

Zion Lights

Sue Limb

Janet Limb

Nancy Lindisfarne

Grevel Lindop

Marianna Lines

Maxine Linnell

Andrew Linzey

Bruce H Lipton

Paul Lister

Eve Livingston

Emmánuel Lizcano

Chris Lloyd

Christopher Lloyd

Lara Lloyd

Angela Locke

Annea Lockwood

Lis Long

Michael Longley

Holger Christian Lönze

Barry Lopez

David Lorimer

Liza Lort-Phillips

Richard Louv

Jamie Lovekin

Avril Loveless

James Lovelock

Sandy Lovelock

Adrian Lovett

Amory Lovins

Oliver Lowenstein

Christopher Lowry

Jason Lowther

Jane Lubchenco

Caroline Lucas MEP

Caroline Lucas

Pier Luigi Luisi

Nick Lunch

Antonio Sanz Luque

Lara Lutzenberger

Francesca Lyman

Philip Lymbery

Mark Lynas

Kate Lynch

Kieran Lynn

Frank Lyons

Dan Lyons

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The Resurgence Trust is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (5821436) and a charity registered in England and Wales (1120414). The Resurgence Trust publishes Resurgence & Ecologist magazine,, and to promote ecological sustainability, social justice and spiritual values.

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