Author Profile: Katie Dancey-Downs

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Sprouting alternatives

Issue 345 • July/August 2024 • Ocean Glories > Connected Life

The story behind the creation of eco-friendly toilet paper Naked Sprout

Tea, cake and death

Issue 344 • May/June 2024 • Threshold Places > Threshold Places

Meeting the founders of the North Bristol Death Café, where nothing to do with this final threshold is off-limits

Nature, Place and Protest

Issue 332 • May/June 2022 • Power to the Peaceful > Wisdom and Wellbeing

Nicola Chester guides us through the landscape of her new book

Reality Show

Issue 330 • January/February 2022 • The Future in Our Hands > Wisdom and Wellbeing

Seeing theatre in our natural surroundings can connect us to Nature

Acting for the Earth

Issue 326 • May/June 2021 • Building Back Hope > The Arts

Young actors are bringing eco-activism to the theatre

Growing Self-sufficiency in Uganda

Issue 321 • July/August 2020 • Recovery Time > Frontline

Visiting a permaculture garden with a powerful message

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The Resurgence Trust is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (5821436) and a charity registered in England and Wales (1120414). The Resurgence Trust publishes Resurgence & Ecologist magazine,, and to promote ecological sustainability, social justice and spiritual values.

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