Author Profile: Brendan Montague

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Movement power

Issue 345 • July/August 2024 • Ocean Glories > Ecologist

Introducing a new Ecologist online series exploring a hybrid model of activism and campaigning

In the Borderlands

Issue 341 • November/December 2023 • Navigating Climate Anxiety > Connected Life

Meeting young fashion designers in Helsinki challenging traditional boundaries between art, design and fashion

A Big Problem with a Small Solution

Issue 340 • September/October 2023 • Nature Positive Impact > Nature Positive Impact

Exploring the value of E F Schumacher's 'small is beautiful' as it can be applied to the workplace

Into the wild

Issue 338 • May/June 2023 • Call of the Wild > Call of the Wild

Stepping into an "educational wilderness experience"

Ecologist Editor's Picks

Issue 336 • January/February 2023 • Immersion > Ecologist

Top stories from The Ecologist environmental news website

We are Stardust

Issue 335 • November/December 2022 • Positive Energy > Feature Article

Knowing how energy determines our lives could shape how we use it

Ecologist Editor's Picks

Issue 335 • November/December 2022 • Positive Energy > Ecologist

Top stories from The Ecologist environmental news website

Ecologist Editor's Picks

Issue 334 • September/October 2022 • Trouble Brewing > Ecologist

Top stories from The Ecologist environmental news website

Eat to Live &

Issue 334 • September/October 2022 • Trouble Brewing > Reviews

Review of Regenesis: Feeding the World Without Devouring the Planet

Ecologist Editor's Picks

Issue 333 • July/August 2022 • What's in a Word > Ecologist

Top stories from The Ecologist environmental news website

Ecologist Editor's Picks

Issue 332 • May/June 2022 • Power to the Peaceful > Ecologist

Top stories from The Ecologist environmental news website

Protecting Our Right to Protest

Issue 332 • May/June 2022 • Power to the Peaceful > Ecologist

Barrister David Renton speaks about the UK's Policing Bill

Ecologist Editor’s Picks

Issue 331 • March/April 2022 • Making Change > Ecologist

Top stories from The Ecologist online

Ecologist News

Issue 330 • January/February 2022 • The Future in Our Hands > Ecologist

Top stories from The Ecologists online

Banking on our Future

Issue 330 • January/February 2022 • The Future in Our Hands > Ecologist

Tougher rules on fossil fuel investment could help avert economic disaster

Troubled Water

Issue 329 • November/December 2021 • Living Cities > Connected Life

Taking a look back at the Great Stink of Victorian London

How Can We Agree?

Issue 326 • May/June 2021 • Building Back Hope > Reviews

Review of How to Disagree: Negotiating Difference in a Divided World

The Virus Is Capitalism

Issue 320 • May/June 2020 • Stubborn Optimism > Ecologist

The decision to defend profit and not people has been a grave error

Returning the Polis to Politics

Issue 320 • May/June 2020 • Stubborn Optimism > Ecologist

An interview with George Monbiot

Veganism - Food For Thought

Issue 318 • January/February 2020 • A Lot on Our Plates > Undercurrents > Veganism

Reasons to go vegan

Veganism - What's the Beef?

Issue 318 • January/February 2020 • A Lot on Our Plates > Undercurrents > Veganism

Reporting on recent research

Veganism - Eyes on the Pies

Issue 318 • January/February 2020 • A Lot on Our Plates > Undercurrents > Veganism

Lifting the lid on a family-run business

Degrowth - A Growing Dilemma

Issue 317 • November/December 2019 • Where Do We Grow From Here? > Undercurrents > Degrowth

There is an alternative to economic growth

The Circular Economy

Issue 313 • March/April 2019 • Regeneration > Ecologist

Introducing a special investigation in the circular economy

Case Studies in Circular Economy

Issue 313 • March/April 2019 • Regeneration > Ecologist

Companies are finding new ways to implement circular economies in practice

New Politics For The Coming Crisis

Issue 310 • September/October 2018 • Inspired to Action > Reviews

Review of Down To Earth: Politics in the New Climatic Regime and The Shock Doctrine of the Left

Beating the System, Metaphorically

Issue 309 • July/August 2018 • The Food Issue > Reviews

Review of The Patterning Instinct: A Cultural History of Humanity's Search for Meaning

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The Resurgence Trust is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (5821436) and a charity registered in England and Wales (1120414). The Resurgence Trust publishes Resurgence & Ecologist magazine,, and to promote ecological sustainability, social justice and spiritual values.

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